Male vs. Female Competition.
This should go with out saying, but from time to time questions arise concerning male vs. female competition.
The rule is simple. Women wrestle women, men wrestle men in practice and competition. Period.
Our rules and insurance coverages do not permit male vs. female practice or competition.
This type of combative activity is not covered under your NCWA provided insurance.
Any competition or combative practice will void your liability and injury coverage.
The NCWA has developed two separate and distinct divisions for the purpose of providing men and women the opportunity to compete in wrestling at the college level while protecting athletes from injury or possible abuse.
Based upon your individual school policy, men and women may practice in the same wrestling room, but must have a combative practice partner of the same sex.

No Program can flourish in an environment where there is uncertainty when it comes to event competition. Money is lost, Wrestlers are disappointed, Fans, Administrations & Wrestlers lose faith in Team leadership.
It is IMPORTANT that competition violations are reported so the association can hold one another accountable in our efforts to improve the sport and NCWA Competition.
The NCWA Can and Will become involved if your team has taken the proper steps to protect your program as we outline in NCWA wrestling Plan.
You should never be involved in an event...Home or Away, without a Signed "Competition Contract".
Do you have a Competition Contract completed and signed for all events?
Verbal Communications, phone conversations or emails are often mis-understood resulting in all types of errors. Even good intentioned misunderstandings, like date, time or location & weigh-in details often result in major problems, typically costing both parties time and money.
Inconsiderate and non-communicative event errors are even worse, resulting in loss of integrity, anger & wrestling supporters as well as money and time. You must protect your team and fans from this type of disheartening situation.
There is Really Never an Excuse for Not Completing A Competition Contract. - DOWNLOAD COMPETITION CONTRACT