Wrestling Mat and Facility Use

Mats - Minimum Collegiate Mats Measure 42' x 42'
Safety Skirt - Minimum out of bounds is 6' from out of bounds line
Table Placement - Score tables should be a minimum of 3' from mat
Mat Cleaning - Mats should be cleaned and disinfected prior to event
Trash Cans - Should be available at each score table
Blood Clean-up - Each table should be equipped with disinfectant spray bottles or wipes for blood clean-up during competition.
Training Staff - Host school should have an appropriate number of athletic trainers to handle injuries based upon numbers of athletes participating in the event. Suggested numbers of trainers: Duals (1), 16 team Tournament ( 2 ) 32 Team Tournament (3)
Safety Skirt - Minimum out of bounds is 6' from out of bounds line
Table Placement - Score tables should be a minimum of 3' from mat
Mat Cleaning - Mats should be cleaned and disinfected prior to event
Trash Cans - Should be available at each score table
Blood Clean-up - Each table should be equipped with disinfectant spray bottles or wipes for blood clean-up during competition.
Training Staff - Host school should have an appropriate number of athletic trainers to handle injuries based upon numbers of athletes participating in the event. Suggested numbers of trainers: Duals (1), 16 team Tournament ( 2 ) 32 Team Tournament (3)